Automatically load all variables in ParaView

Starting in ParaView 5.2, there will now be an option that enables all variables to be loaded from a file by default. So, if you find yourself repeatedly selecting the “All Variables” checkbox whenever you open a file, this little feature will simplify your workflow by a step! This option is located within ParaView’s Settings/General tab (as in the above screenshot), and can be exposed by selecting the Advanced gear button at the top right corner of the window. When this feature is enabled, you can still deselect variables you are not interested in before selecting “Apply” to prevent them from being loaded.
When “Load all Variables” toggle is turned off, only the default variables will be selected when a file is loaded.
When the “Load all Variables” toggle is turned on, all available variables will be selected when a file is loaded.
Great news. Now we need a general reload button and we’ll have less pain using awesome ParaView!
@uniq, and now we have the general reload button too 😉 (