ITK 4.6.1 available for download

On behalf of the Insight Toolkit Community, we are happy to announce the release of ITK 4.6.1!
This is a patch release that addresses critical issues. The 4.6.1 release fixes DICOM, MetaIO, TIFF, and PNG IO issues, 32-bit WrapITK build errors, Python wrapping warnings, CMake configuration with COMPONENTS, performance and memory consumption of the ITKv4 implementation of the mutual information matching metric, and many other issues.
Congratulations and thanks to everyone who contributed to this release. We are particularly grateful for the collaborations with the 3D Slicer, Debian, GDCM, and MINC communities to address these issues. Questions and comments are welcome on the ITK mailing lists.
The next feature release of 4.7.0 is scheduled for December.
Enjoy ITK!