Kitware wins Saratoga Bike to Work challenge – again!

May 20th marked the third annual Saratoga Bike to Work and School Challenge, and event that promotes using foot and bicycle power to get to around rather than using gasoline for the many health and environmental benefits it brings.
I am happy to report that Kitware successfully defended our title, winning the right to keep the beautiful GearHead trophy under my desk for another year. The GearHead is given to the group with the largest percentage participation. An astounding 33% of Kitware’s New York employees braved the inclement weather to make the trek this year, handily winning this category.
Next year we are gunning for the ChromeCrank trophy as well, which is awarded to the group with the largest absolute number of riders. We were narrowly beaten this year by Empire State College, 27 riders to 23. My congratulations go out the the riders from Empire State College who also won this year. Let this also be a warning to the other 623 employees there that they’ve only got a year to dust of their bikes and put them to good use!
My thanks go out to Doug Haller and the rest of the organizers for putting on a fun corporate challenge and to my amazing coworkers who made the trek last Friday.
Who pushed the shopping cart that David Cole rode in to work? Is that technically a “bike”?
I have a top-secret self-propulsion technology that connects to the shopping cart’s plugin interface. I’d open source it, but I don’t want to expose myself to potential lawsuits…