New Application Brings Data to Life

Introduced in October, Resonant is an open-source platform for end-to-end data science solutions. Its interactive applications are employed by government, research, and commercial organizations to manage, analyze, and visualize large and complex data. As detailed in the “Use Cases” section of its website, Resonant has been employed to compare outcome and cost metrics for hospitals, search live data for taxis and bicycles in locations such as New York City, organize news and case counts for the 2013 Ebola outbreak, and study hurricane paths.
Resonant now features an additional application: Minerva Permits. Minerva Permits sheds light on data collected from the U.S. Census pertaining to permits, crimes, and violations in Boston. Through interactive exploration, it is possible to use Minerva Permits to see and predict patterns regarding construction, demolition, and housing.
So how does it work? As detailed in the below video, Minerva Permits filters data by criteria including date, location, and description. The application then displays results as points or a binned heatmap.
Minerva Permits was created as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s XDATA effort. The application utilizes Girder to make sense of the permit, crime, and violation information, and it uses GeoJS to scale and animate the data. Both Girder and GeoJS are part of the Resonant platform.
Don’t just take our word for what Minerva Permits can do. We are excited to hear about your experiences using the application, so test it out, and let us know what you think!