OSEHRA Debuts Weekly Teleconference Tomorrow

The Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent (OSEHRA) will start a weekly teleconference to discuss the current set of OSEHRA software development tools on Wednesday, November 16 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm EST. This first meeting will provide an introduction to the many software development tools that are now available for VistA/M developers from the www.osehra.org website. This includes OSEHRA’s:
- Source Code Repository based on Git (http://code.osehra.org/gitweb)
- Software Quality Dashboard based on CDash (http://code.osehra.org/CDash/index.php?project=Open+Source+EHR)
- Automated Vista/M Manual Pages (http://code.osehra.org/dox)
- Code Review Tool based on Gerrit (http://review.code.osehra.org)
- Technical Journal for submission of large code contributions (http://code.osehra.org/journal)
- Bug and Feature Tracker (http://issues.osehra.org)
- Architecture Reference (http://architecture.osehra.org)
This first weekly meeting of OSEHRA’s Development Tools group will be conducted as a live webinar. To register for this event you will need to visit: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/392269830 and register by providing your name and email address. Please note that GoToWebinar is only compatible with Windows or Macs, and does not work with Linux machines. For further details on the systems requirements, please visit the GoToWebinar site here.
We hope that you will be able to join this event and contribute your ideas and thoughts on how we can improve the tools and resources available from www.osehra.org.
-OSEHRA Development Tools Team