ParaView 5.10.1 Release Notes

March 15, 2022
ParaView release icon

ParaView 5.10.1 is a patch release with a variety of bug fixes. The full list of issues addressed by this release is available here.

User interface

  • State files appear as datasets. (details)
  • File dialog issues in client/server mode (details)
  • Stride in Animation View is too restricted(details)
  • Context menu in file dialog doesn’t work on macOS with Qt 5.15.1 (details)
  • Python tracing fails when a custom source exists (details)
  • Python Shell broken by any custom filter (details)
  • Stereo broken in CAVE environments (details)
  • Parallel Coordinates segfault (details)
  • Can’t set frame rate when saving MP4 animation (details)
  • command_button widget is not visible anymore (details)
  • Client information does not show VTK version. (details)
  • Only fetch favorites from server on creation (details)


  • Ghost cell generator crash (details)
  • Redistribute dataset on Image Data then generate Ghost cells seems to give the wrong result (details)
  • TemporalParticlesToPathlines fails with AMReX particle data: “The input dataset did not have a valid DATA_TIME_STEPS information key” (details)


  • Sideset error with IOSS reader (details)
  • IOSS reader is slow with small, parallel dataset (details)
  • IOSS reader and set variables don’t work (details)
  • Restart file fails with IOSS reader (details)
  • PIO reader seg faults on warnings for client-server (details)
  • PIO reader fails on extra file in directory (details)
  • PIO reader access to restart block and even/odd checkpoints (details)
  • openPMD: Fix Particle Time Series (details)


  • Multiple grids with multiple pipelines produces failure in (details)
  • SaveExtract volumetric cinema database crash (details)


  • Guard the list of required vtk components for paraview package. (details)
  • pqPythonUtils.h not installed (details)

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