VTK.js Video Tutorials: Integrating Scientific Visualizations into OHIF and Other Web Applications

Learn how easy it is to bring 3D interactive visualizations and annotations into your web-based applications. Kitware is proud to partner with OHIF, Isomics, and MGH to bring a series of four, freely available video tutorials on VTK.js.
VTK.js is Kitware’s open source javascript toolkit for creating, manipulating, and annotating 2D and 3D renderings in web browsers. It can render point clouds, surfaces, geometric objects, molecular structures, 2D images, and 3D volume renderings using modern hardware accelerated rendering methods and running in web browsers on your phones, tablets, and personal computers, as well as in AR and VR systems. Integrated methods provide the ability to manipulate those visualizations as well as make measurements, paint overlays, and annotate lines, angles, regions, and landmarks. See ParaView Glance for an online demo of VTK.js’ capabilities.
OHIF is the Open Health Imaging Foundation. The OHIF, Isomics, MGH, and Kitware have teamed up to create amazing 3D zero-footprint medical imaging web applications with extensive DICOM support and clinical image annotation tools. There is excellent online documentation and demonstrations for OHIF.
Our newly released video tutorials augment the extensive VTK.js documentation and examples that are already available online. These tutorials were created as part of our work with OHIF, Isomics, and MGH to bring advance 2D and 3D rendering and annotation methods to the OHIF medical image viewer. These tutorial will help anyone who is interested in exploring or applying VTK.js to create new, or enhance existing, web-based scientific applications.
Video Tutorials:
- Introduction to VTK.js and OHIF ( Slides )
- Developing VTK.js ( Slides )
- VTK.js Architecture and Tooling ( Slides )
- OHIF + VTK.js Integration ( Slides )
Funding for this work was provided by Kitware (NIH NINDS R44NS081792, NIH NINDS R42NS086295, NIH NIBIB and NIGMS R01EB021396, NIH NIBIB R01EB014955), Isomics (NIH P41 EB015902), and Massachusetts General Hospital (NIH U24 CA199460).