Aloha from CVPR 2017

The 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) is in progress in Honolulu, Hawaii. Distinguished Engineer and Kitware co-founder Charles Law took part in Friday’s Computer Vision for Microscopy Image Analysis workshop, and members of our computer vision team worked to set up our booth (242) for the industry exposition, which began Saturday.

Also on Saturday, CVPR Daily published an interview with Senior Director of Computer Vision Anthony Hoogs. Read his thoughts on what makes this year’s conference unique in “A Word of Welcome from the General Chair.”
Today marks the second-to-last day of the main conference, which includes the presentation of “Correlational Gaussian Processes for Cross-Domain Visual Recognition” by Senior R&D Engineer Chengjiang Long. His part in CVPR does not end with the main conference, however. Coming up on Wednesday, he will talk about research to detect frame dropping at the CVPR Workshop on Media Forensics.
For more updates from the conference, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn!