Stay Tuned for Future Webinars

While there are no upcoming webinars scheduled at the moment, we invite you to explore our previous webinars below. To stay informed about our future webinars and other events, sign up for our newsletter.

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Past Webinars

  • May

    As the digital pathology industry becomes more innovative and competitive, it’s crucial to incorporate cutting-edge technology and adopt the latest advancements into your workflows. Incorporating AI and web functionality will allow your team to work more efficiently, produce more reliable results, and improve collaboration.

  • Feb

    This webinar focuses on using ray-tracing rendering capabilities of ParaView in order to obtain stunning visuals of scientific datasets. Explore the integration of Intel OSPray and the new material editor available in the 5.12 release of ParaView.

  • Jan

    This webinar focuses on AR (Augmented Reality) , VR (Virtual Reality) and XR (eXtended Reality) tools within ParaView in order to perform immersive data exploration.

  • Sep

    In this 30 minute webinar, you will learn the initial steps to explore and visualize data from electro-magnetics simulations that can be performed in COMSOL, Elmer FEM, FEniCS or MEEP, among many others. Discover how to explore and reduce your data, visualize electric and magnetic vector fields in various representations, compute new variables, plot and compare data, and learn many tricks to enhance your productivity with ParaView!

  • Mar

    In this webinar, you will learn the first steps to explore and visualize data from computational fluid dynamics simulations (CFD) such as OpenFOAM, StarCCM+, Code Saturne or Fluent. Explore and reduce your data, visualize scalar fields and vector fields, compute new variables, plot and compare data, and learn many tricks to enhance your productivity with ParaView!