Announcing the Release of SMTK 21.12

We are pleased to announce a new release of SMTK. The main focus of 21.12 is on improving the performance of displaying tree-based representations of Resources in Qt via SMTK’s Descriptive Phrase Mechanism. Large complex Resources with between 500,000 to 1,000,000 Components can now be interacted with via the generated UI. This includes a speed improvement when changing the visibility of a large number of selected Components.
We have also added an isRelevant method to SMTK’s Attribute Definition Class that will indicate if the active categories of the Definition’s Resource, would pass the Definition’s category constraints. In addition, you can optionally also test to see if the Definition’s Advance Access Level is below a specified level. This method will aid you in UI design by being able to filter out Definitions that are not relevant to the current advance level and active categories.
In terms of the new Task functionality, we have made several improvements to the FillOutAttribute Task including fixes to its internal task state calculation. The new rule are:
- If there are no resources found for the task, the state is now Unavailable
- If all of the task’s definitions and instances are irrelevant then the task state is Irrelevant
- If any of the attributes required by the task are invalid, then the task is Incomplete
- Else the task is Completable
Finally, in terms of building SMTK, we have made the previously required GDAL dependency, optional.
For more information, please see the release notes which can be found here.