Kitware is pleased to share Matthew Dawkins has been invited to present a plenary talk at the MASTS Annual Science Meeting 2020.
Matthew’s presentation takes place Tuesday, October 6 from 12-12:30 PM ET. He will give an overview of the Video and Image Analytics for Marine Environments (VIAME), an open source do-it-yourself AI platform that enables marine scientists to leverage deep learning for image and video analysis without any knowledge of AI, deep learning, or programming.
The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS) is a consortium of organizations engaged in Marine Science. The MASTS Annual Science Meeting is the UK’s largest marine science conference. This year, the conference will take place virtually, giving everyone around the world access from their home.
Attendees of the conference will have a chance to look back at the significant progress made by MASTS partners and collaborators, and look forward to 2021, which sees the start of the decade of ocean science for sustainable development. The conference will examine the modern challenges that face our marine waters, and identify ways and means to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
For more details and to register, visit the conference registration page.
Physical Event