ITK 4.10 Release Candidate 2 Improves Filters and Core

The second release candidate for the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) 4.10 is now ready to test. In addition to the new remote module that we discussed in our blog entry on the first release candidate, version 4.10 features many improvements to the filters and core of ITK. For example, itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter now has RGB pixel support. In addition, ITK now downloads data and build tools over HTTPS.

Version 4.10 extends constexpr usage with ITK_CONSTEXPR and ITKCONSTEXPR_FUNC macros, and it improves the EXERCISE_BASIC_OBJECT_METHODS testing macro. It also enables ITK to build faster, have better class coverage, and load more rapidly at runtime. Other benefits to ITK include a smaller binary size and a simplified process for building an external module against an ITK build tree.
Once again, we encourage you to test out the release candidate, and let us know what you think through the mailing list, issue tracker, and Gerrit Code Review. We are nearing the final release, which we plan to have ready at the end of May. Thank you for your continued support of the toolkit!