Open Education Week – March 11-15

Join the Celebration of Open Education Week
Open Education Week is coordinated by the OpenCourseWare Consortium, an association of hundreds of institutions and organizations around the world that are committed to the ideals of open education. More than 100 universities, colleges, schools and organizations from all over the world have come together to showcase what they’re doing to make education more open, free, and available to everyone. You can check out the list of contributors, and see who’s on the planning committee.
Open Education is, at its core, about free and open sharing. Free, meaning no cost, and open, which refers to the use of legal tools (open licenses) that give everyone permission to reuse and modify educational resources.
- Free and open sharing increases access to education and knowledge for anyone, anywhere, anytime.
- It allows people to make changes to materials or to combine resources in new ways to build something new.
- Open Education incorporates free and open learning communities, educational networks, teaching and learning materials, open textbooks, open data, open scholarship, open source educational tools and on and on.
- Open Education gives people access to knowledge, provides platforms for sharing, enables innovation, and connects communities of learners and educators around the world.
- Open Education seeks to scale up educational opportunities by taking advantage of the power of the internet, allowing rapid and essentially free dissemination, and enabling people around the world to access knowledge, connect and collaborate.
- Open is key; open allows not just access, but the ability to modify and use materials, information and networks so education can be personalized to individual users or woven together in new ways for diverse audiences, large and small.
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