Recent Releases: IGSTK 5.2

On behalf of the Image-Guided Surgery Toolkit (IGSTK) team, Kitware has released IGSTK version 5.2. IGSTK is a component-based framework that provides a common functionality for image-guided surgery applications.
Major features of this release include an updated version of ITK (v4.2); significant improvements to the reslicing component, which will now require VTK v5.10 or higher; and a new git repository for IGSTK applications. Currently, this repository contains the programs used for an educational tutorial focused on the basic principles of image guided intervention (IGI). This release also contains numerous miscellaneous bug fixes, which are detailed on the IGSTK wiki.
To download IGSTK 5.2, please visit the download page on the IGSTK website. To learn more about Kitware’s Medical Computing and surgical guidance expertise, please visit our website or email
This release was led by Children’s National Medical Center with help from Kitware, amd major contributions by 4D Visualization Laboratory at Innsbruck Medical University (particularly Prof. Wolfgang Freysinger and Zoltan Bardosi).