VTK Accepted for Google Summer of Code 2011

I am very pleased to announce that the Visualization Toolkit was accepted as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code 2011. We have an ideas page where students can look at the ideas we came up with, and potential mentors can add new ideas (please discuss them with us first). This is a great opportunity for students to get involved with a big open source project, that is cross platform and well tested across a large number of architectures. It is also a great opportunity for us to grow as a community, and welcome new contributors.
If you are a student you should check out the ideas page and the project timeline. The ideas are just suggestions; if you have others discussing them on the VTK developers list would be a good idea, and would help with finding potential mentors for the project. Once student applications open up you should register and prepare your proposal. It would also be a great idea to frequent the mailing lists, clone the source code and ensure you can get everything built.
We are very pleased to have the opportunity to take part in the Google Summer of Code program. I encourage students to get in touch early and feel free to ask questions on the mailing lists. We are looking forward to reviewing your proposals and can’t wait to start working with a new generation of open source developers in what is one of the oldest open source C++ projects on the web.