3D Slicer 4.10.2 available for download

On behalf of the 3D Slicer developer community, we are pleased to announce that version 4.10.2 is now available for download. This patch release introduces ~30 bug fixes for the current stable Slicer release.
3D Slicer is made possible through contributions from an international community of scientists from a multitude of fields, including engineering and biomedicine. The authors of this blog are part of the Kitware team that participated in the wider community that made this release.
Improved Landmark Registration through Markups fixes
Please visit the 3D Slicer forum for a complete list of improvements and fixes.
We are one of the lead maintainers of 3D Slicer and other software solutions such as the Insight Toolkit (ITK), the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) and CMake. To support these solutions, we offer consulting services. Contact us at kitware@kitware.com to learn how we can help integrate the software into your research, processes and products.