Announcing the Release of CMB ModelBuilder 21.07

Viewing CAD Geometry Files

Starting with 21.07 the released version of CMB ModelBuilder will now include the OpenCascade Session Plugin. This will allow users to view IGES, STEP, and OCC files using the released binaries. Only viewing is currently supported, but in the future, annotations on CAD models as well as modeling operations will be added.

In addition, OpenCascade SMTK Resources can now be saved and loaded into ModelBuilder.

Here are some CAD examples loaded into the 21.07 version.

Support for ARM-based Macs

Starting with 21.07, binaries for ARM-based based Macs will now be included!

SMTK Related Changes

For additional information on changes related to the newly released SMTK 21.07, please see here.

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