CMake 3.9.4 available for download
October 4, 2017

We are pleased to announce that CMake 3.9.4 is now available for download.
Please use the latest release from our download page:
Thanks for your support!
Changes in 3.9.4 since 3.9.3: Brad King (2): FindBoost: Finish reverting "Simplify search in lists" for 3.9 CMake 3.9.4
Does it include the fix for compiling on macOS 10.12 Sierra when you have Xcode 9 installed? It says here that that fix will not land until CMake 3.10 and I do not see it in the list of changes for this 3.9.4 release. Previously the 3.10 release was scheduled for October 2nd according to but now it seems to be moved back to today, October 5th, according to that same page, so it seems like the due dates on those milestone webpages are moving targets and there is not much of any predictability.
Since I am not yet ready to upgrade to macOS 10.13 High Sierra due to various issues and incompatibilities I have heard about, I am wondering if I should downgrade to Xcode 8.3.3 since it seems CMake 3.10 which has the necessary fix to be able to compile things on macOS 10.12 Sierra using Xcode 9 with CMake keeps getting its release date delayed. I tried a nightly version of CMake but couldn’t get it to work with the Homebrew package manager which is what I use to install a lot of programs and what uses CMake to build a whole lot of them, Homebrew only seems to work with release versions of CMake and when I overrode the CMake binaries with ones from inside the .app package of a nightly build, it didn’t work when I tried using it, the nightly build got into an infinite loop when compiling a fairly small program and after about 8 hours when I knew for sure it was an infinite loop I finally terminated it and went back to the latest stable version of CMake.
If I am charitable and treat this as an Xcode bug caused by Apple instead of a CMake bug (which is probably closer to the truth than saying it is your fault at CMake), I looked at the known issues Apple has listed for Xcode 9 and Apple seems to be unaware of this problem or refusing to admit it is a bug in their code, and is expecting you to do a workaround for their bug, and they have not fixed it in the Xcode 9.1 beta either, so it looks like Apple is expecting you to deal with this and not them. Anyway, I hope you get the 3.10 stable release out soon, it seems a whole lot of software I use depends on CMake as its build system and right now with macOS 10.12 Sierra and Xcode 9, stable CMake 3.9.x builds are not working on that particular combination of OS and compiler. So although this bug appears to be Apple’s fault and not yours, please get your workaround included in a stable version of CMake ASAP, since anyone using macOS Sierra 10.12 who has software updates for things like Xcode enabled is likely having the same problem as me. Thank you very much.
> I’m using 3.9.4 with Xcode 9 and macOS 10.12 right now
Thanks for reporting this issue. CMake 3.9.X should work with XCode 9 on both
macOS 10.12 and macOS 10.13. We haven’t had any reports of XCode 9 on 10.12
causing problems. You should report the issue on the CMake issue tracker
> those milestone webpages are moving targets and there is not much of any predictability
CMake release process is on a four-month cadence (Feb, June, Oct), and these
milestone dates represent the ideal start of the RC process. These dates will
change as the CMake team uncovers new failures. Hopefully 3.10-rc1 will be
released this week.
> I tried a nightly version of CMake but couldn’t get it to work with the Homebrew package manager which is what I use to install a lot of programs and what uses CMake to build a whole lot of them
The nightly provided binaries provided on are created as part of the
testing process. It is being produced so that users can test bug fixes done upstream
without having to build CMake. To verify they work you should use
the standalone package and not try to overwrite sections of an existing install.
Each version of CMake relies on the provided set of CMake modules they provide,
and trying to mix and match binaries and modules will always lead to issues.
Could this be the source of the issue experienced here (CMake in this case was 3.9.4)