ITK 5.0 Release Candidate 1: Meshes

We are happy to announce the Insight Toolkit (ITK) Release Candidate 1! As the first release candidate, the major advancements for ITK 5 have matured, and the community is encouraged to adopt the release candidate in ITK-based applications.
To install the 5.0 Release Candidate 1 Python packages, run
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade --pre itk
This release improves Mesh support in Python though simplification and extension of Mesh and PointSet wrapping. In general, this release makes improvements to the modernization of the toolkit staged in ITK 5.
The C++ range classes continue to advance. Our migration to GitHub was overwhelmingly successful, but it continues to improve. Pull requests now receive a helpful CDash build analysis GitHub Check.

For an overview of ITK 5’s transition to modern C++, performance-related changes, the new, Pythonic API, and the project’s migration to GitHub, see the ITK 5 Alpha 1: Modern C++, ITK 5 Alpha 2: Performance, ITK 5 Beta 1: Pythonic Interface, and ITK 5 Beta 3: GitHub release announcements. For more details on the ITK 5 RC 1, see the detailed release announcement.
The ITK 5 Migration Guide is available to help transition a code base from ITK 4 to ITK 5. Please discuss your experiences on Discourse.
We are approaching the 5.0.0 final release! The next release will be the second ITK 5 release candidate; it is scheduled for March.
Enjoy ITK!