Kitware Participates in AVSS in Beijing, China

Anthony Hoogs, Kitware’s Senior Director of Computer Vision, and Sangmin Oh, an R&D Engineer on the Computer Vision team, recently attended the IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS) in Beijing, China. Kitware was actively involved in this year’s event, which is the primary annual research conference focused on video surveillance.
Collaborating with Michael Ryoo from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at CIT, Anthony, Sangmin, and Arslan Basharat organized and presented the tutorial “Activity Recognition for Visual Surveillance.” The tutorial provided an overview of human activity recognition approaches and their applications to surveillance systems. In addition to a variety of recognition methodologies and target surveillance applications, attendees were introduced to the limitations of some of the contrived datasets and the challenges of some of the real-world datasets.
Kitware also presented two papers at the conference. Anthony presented the paper “Human Action Recognition in Large-Scale Datasets Using Histogram of Spatiotemporal Gradients,” by Kishore K. Reddy (University of Central Florida), Naresh Cuntoor, Amitha Perera, and Anthony Hoogs. This paper was the result of Kishore’s internship with Kitware last summer. Sangmin and Anthony presented the paper, “Robust Orientation and Appearance Adaptation for Wide-area Large Format Video Object Tracking,” written by Rengarajan Pelapur, Kannappan Palaniappan, and Gunasekaran Seetharaman, collaborators at the University of Missouri and Air Force Research Laboratory, who were unable to attend.
In addition to presenting tutorials and papers, Anthony was a session chair for the oral session on Action/Activity Recognition, as well as a panelist on the Industrial Panel with seven other senior members of the video surveillance research community.
For a complete listing of upcoming events where you can meet with members of our Computer Vision team, please see our events page.