KWWidgets Update

There has not been an official release of KWWidgets. However, the following features have been added to the project recently. You can download KWWidgets from
• State machine framework with workflow wizard. (See vtkKWStateMachine, vtkKWWizardWorkflow.) This is currently used by the EMSegment module in NAMIC Slicer3. The vtkKWStateMachineDOTWriter can use its output to create figures/diagrams automatically using graphviz’s dot, or dynamically into a Wiki that supports it.
• VTK’s Error/Warning macros can be redirected to a vtkKWLogWidget. This is currently used by the main application of NAMIC Slicer3. This widget can be used to display various types of records/events in the form of a multicolumn log. Each record is time-stamped automatically, and the interface allows the user to sort the list by time, type, or description. This widget can be inserted in any widget hierarchy, or used as a standalone dialog through the vtkKWLogDialog class.
Many new widgets have been added including:
• vtkKWListBoxWithScrollbarsWithLabel
• vtkKWMatrixWidget
• vtkKWMatrixWidgetWithLabel
• vtkKWMultiColumnListWithLabel
• vtkKWScaleWithLabelSet