October 2012 Recent Releases

Midas 3.2.8
In September, the Midas team released version 3.2.8. This release includes improved LDAP support, multi-factor authentication, and improved logging for auditing. In addition, there is now a plugin for algorithm dashboards, Apache Solr can be used as a search index, metadata can be extracted from DICOM data, and there is support for thumbnailing ITK files.
There are also a number of other changes and improvements in the Midas 3.2.8 release, and the full list is available in the change log. Users are encouraged to download and try the latest release from the Midas download page, and join the Midas community and mailing list.
CMake 2.8.9
CMake 2.8.9 was released in August. This release featured several significant developments and enhancements, including the new, default-enabled Ninja generator; a position-independent code target property, and MUMPS coverage support in CTest.
The Ninja generator is a replacement for Make, and uses all cores in a machine to enable faster builds by maximizing the ability to parallelize the build code. This is now enabled by default on Linux, Mac, and Windows. To see how this is leveraged for a dashboard machine, you can look at our CMake dashboard scripts.
The position-independent code target property automatically adds -fPIC and -fPIE compiler flags for compilers that require it when building static libraries, which makes it easy to avoid adding platform specifics to your CMakeLists.
Lastly, the MUMPS programming language now has coverage tools, with added support in CTest to include GTM and Cache. This is already in use by the OSEHRA community.
ITK 4.2.1
In early October, ITK 4.2.1 was issued as a bug fix/patch release. This release addressed some critical build and performance issues. Important performance gains were the result of efforts by community members Bradley Lowekamp and Kent Williams through the removal of filter GetInput/GetOutput calls in inner loops. Compilation errors were fixed for Visual Studio 2012. A number of CMake/WrapITK issues were addressed to improve Python wrapping on Windows. There were also other assorted fixes. The next minor feature release is scheduled for December.
New and existing ITK users are encouraged to download and try out the latest release by visiting the download page, or joining the community mailing list.