ParaView 5.8.1 Release Notes
August 5, 2020

ParaView 5.8.1 is a bug fix release that addresses 60 issues identified since the ParaView 5.8.0 release. The full list of resolved bugs with links to the bug reports is provided below.
Readers and filters
- AMR Dual Clip and Contour Accept invalid input datasets
- Parallel Resample to Image pipeline doesn’t propagate all data
- Clip filter: Crinkle clip performs a slice rather than a clip
- AMReX Boxlib Grid Reader fails to the read coordinate range
- Paraview 5.8.0-RC3 VTK-xml reader: cell offsets cant be unsigned ints
- amrex: failed to read amrex 2D particles
- VTP Loading Apparent Regression 5.6.0->5.8.0
- CGNS files don’t read point data
- ExtractBlock does not Propagate Global Field Data
- default Piece Distribution method
- Glyph filter sometimes produces misplaced arrows
- Cell size filter dies with CTH AMR
- Intermittent errors in Cell Centers
- Glyph filter and stream tracer filter do not propagate Global Field Data
- AggregateDataSet filter runs into MPI size constraint
- ParaView 5.8 crashes when slicing nested multi-block in parallel
Rendering and image export
- Color legend always shows up in bottom left corner when exporting to EPS or PDF
- Low resolution vector graphics output
- Preview mode and window resize
- Color Map Mapping Data histogram gets confused
- OpenGL warning when using Zoom to Box
- Surface with Edges creates extra edges
- SaveStateAndScreenshot Plugin
- Create 1280 X 720 preview
- Preview size not preserved in Save Screenshot for multiple views
- Background color should be preserved and set by pvsm infrastructure
- ParaView Preview Resolution not set on PVSM reload
- Preview mode does not rescale text correctly
- File output from Catalyst kills ParaView
- Export Inspector, Image Extract, Cinema Image database Advanced Options Window incorrectly named
- Annotate Global Data filter does not work with HyperTree Grids
- Export Inspector: allow selecting of root directory for pvserver configs
- writer for vtkNonOverlappingAMR in Catalyst
User interface and interaction
- [5.6 rc2] Reset Session reset all customized MACROS shortcuts
- Preferences -> Camera -> 2D & 3D Mouse Wheel Factor Slider Widgets Inoperable
- Enhancement Request: Native 3D Connexion Support on macOS
- AnimationView mode has incorrect behavior when loading a dataset with timesteps
- Export Inspector: bad Qt layout
- Paraview 5.8.0 UI elements are too large
- Grow and Shrink Selection does not work with Find Data
- text location not shown correctly in GUI
- Crash on View -> Output Messages during reverse connection
- error message: Unexpected call to selectionChanged.
- Find data multiple expressions error
- Find data: Subsetting query causes “ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.”
- Keep “Waiting for Server Connection” panel on top of GUI when waiting for connection
- Find Data breaks with multiple expressions on multiblock data
- PolyLine source points can’t be changed manually in the GUI
- Icons for Plot Global Variables Over Time and Plot Selection Over Time are flipped
Build and installation
- macOS Catalina: ParaView-5.7.0-MPI-OSX10.12-Python2.7-64bit.pkg” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
- ParaView build fails on arm clusters
- Catalyst: Node class from vtkPlotEdges.cxx name-collides with linked simulations (SPARC)
- Follow-up from “Fix paraview-config script”
- Spack ParaView should contain ‘-DVTK_ENABLE_KITS:BOOL=ON’
- Runtime crash on Cray, Debug builds
- paraview build fails first time through due to cinema-related build order issue on stria/ARM
- Remove unnecessary Python 2 conflict in ParaView’s Spack file
- Spack: ParaView installs libraries to prefix/lib64 but creates empty prefix/lib making ParaView’s modulefile invalid