Recent Releases

ITK 4.8 Released
On behalf of the Insight Toolkit community, we are pleased to announce the release of ITK 4.8.0. This release features a Python-wrapping infrastructure based on CastXML, which works with the latest Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC), Clang, and GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) compilers. The release also brings new remote modules such as BridgeNumPy, LabelErodeDilate, and ParabolicMorphology; and it enables more modules to be built as shared libraries.
ITK 4.8 includes enhanced point set registration capabilities, along with experimental cross-compilation support for Windows (MinGW-w64), ARMv6 (Raspberry Pi), ARMv7 (Android), ppc64le (POWER8), and JavaScript (Emscripten). The release also includes itk::FFTPadImageFilter, which allows for automatically padding images for the greatest prime factor supported by the fast Fourier transform (FFT) implementation.
Congratulations and thank you to those who contributed to version 4.8. We would especially like to recognize new ITK contributors: David Froger, Cyril Mory, Dzenan Zukic, Ivan Setiawan, Jan Bergmeier, Rolf Eike Beer, Davis Vigneault, Gary Jia, and Alexander Hewer.
To download the latest release, please go to
Image courtesy of Dan Mueller, Queensland University of Technology (
CMake 3.3 Released
CMake 3.3 is now available. The following are notable changes for the release.
The if() command knows a new IN_LIST operator that evaluates to true if a given element is contained in a named list, and the add_dependencies() command knows to allow dependencies to be added to interface libraries. In addition, the find_library(), find_path(), and find_file() commands now search in installation prefixes derived from the PATH environment variable.
With the 3.3. release, the <LANG>_VISIBILITY_PRESET and VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN target properties affect compilation in sources of all target types; while a <LANG>_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE target property and supporting CMAKE_<LANG>_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE variable tell the Makefile and Ninja generators to run include-what-you-use, along with the compiler for C and CXX languages.
Deprecated features in version 3.3 include Visual Studio 6 and Visual Studio 7 generators. Furthermore, the commands ctest_build() and build_command() no longer tell “make” tools to ignore errors with the -i option.
For full release notes, sources, binaries, and documentation, please visit
Girder 1.3 Released
Kitware is pleased to announce the release of Girder 1.3, a data science tool that supports scalable data management solutions. With this release, Girder can run on both Python 2.7 and Python 3.4. Also new with this release is the ability of clients to upload to an S3 asset store, as they would any other type of asset store, if they do not implement the direct-to-S3 upload behavior.
Further highlights of the release include the ability via the Representational State Transfer (REST) application programming interface (API) and the web client to apply an access control list to all children of a collection or folder recursively, the ability via the REST API and the web client to download an entire collection as a zip archive, and the addition of utilities to the JavaScript library for dynamically changing the page layout during navigation.
For more information on Girder 1.3, and to download the latest release, please visit
Midas Server 3.4 Released
Midas Server 3.4 provides support for SQLite databases and for the Google Cloud Platform, including App Engine and Cloud Storage. It allows for styling using Bourbon and Sass, as well as provisioning using Ansible and Vagrant. In addition, the release features bug fixes; dependency management using Composer and Packagist; and improvements to e-mail notifications, thumbnail creation, performance, and security.
The Midas Platform is Kitware’s versatile, open-source, web-enabled solution that provides a cohesive system for managing, visualizing, and processing data. For more information on the Midas Platform, and to download the 3.4 release of Midas Server, please visit
UV-CDAT 2.2 Released
Ultrascale Visualization Climate Data Analysis Tools (UV-CDAT) is a system designed to aid climate scientists in handling big data analytics and sensitivity analyses using heterogeneous data sources from multiple disciplinary domains. A major highlight of the 2.2 release is support for generating one- and two-dimensional plots, which was added by implementing VTK in the system’s backend.
What is more, an Askbot website ( is now available to members of the UV-CDAT community. While the website currently supports UV-CDAT 2.2, it will also support future releases.
For more information on UV-CDAT and features of the 2.2 release, please visit
RGG 2.0 Released
Reactor Geometry Generator (RGG) 2.0 includes boundary layer support and a new file format. With this new file format, the user need only maintain a single reactor model file. All of the necessary input files required by MeshKit’s AssyGen and CoreGen tools are now automatically generated. In addition, the new file format allows for sharing reactors, pins, and ducts among various subassemblies; and it provides for creating and sharing libraries of pins, ducts, and materials among different core models.
In RGG 2.0, sectioning is automatically completed for the user, both visually and in the creation of input files related to MeshKit. Version 2.0 also offers the ability to view models and resulting meshes; the ability to load in meshes created outside of RGG; the ability to view meshes based on material, volume, and side-set classifications; and the ability to save meshes and subsets in Mesh-Oriented datABase (MOAB) and Exodus formats.
To download the latest RGG release, please visit