SimpleITK 0.8.0 Released

Kitware is pleased to announce the release of SimpleITK 0.8.0. SimpleITK is a simplified layer built on top of ITK. By providing binaries for several wrapped languages, it facilitates ITK’s use in rapid prototyping, education, and interpreted languages.
The 0.8.0 release includes several improvements to SimpleITK including support for events and command call-backs and support for compiling OSX Mavericks by automatically enabling C++11. More information about these improvements can be found on ITK’s website.
The release also improves support for C++11 and for setting dimensional vector parameters as scalars in the OOP interface. Moreover, it provides enhancements to the printing of enum types, as well as to experimental support for generating Python wheels and to ProcessObject base class features in the OOP interface. Additional release improvements include the availability of threshold management in automatic thresholding filters and the use of ITK 4.5.1.
Furthermore, the release features Swig 2.0.12 and newly wrapped filters such as BinShrinkImageFilter, CyclicShiftImageFilter, DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFilter, LabelVotingImageFilter, and WarpImageFilter.
Information on getting started and downloading the binaries for this release can be found on the SimpleITK/GettingStarted Wiki. For additional information on the release, visit Updated documentation is available on, and binary distribution for many platforms and languages can be downloaded from SourceForge.