SPIE Medical Imaging 2012

Kitware participated in several activities at the SPIE Medical Imaging (SPIE MI) meeting, which took place February 4-9 in San Diego, California. The SPIE MI meeting is one of the premier meetings for image processing, computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD), PACS, ultrasonic Imaging, tomography, and biomedical Applications.
As reported in a previous blog, Dr. Enquobahrie, Technical Lead at Kitware, co-organized the sixth IGSTK user group meeting, which was held in conjunction with SPIE MI. This IGSTK event was a great opportunity for the core development team to hear directly from the user community.
Dr. Andinet Enquobahrie also presented at the “Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling” session. His talk focused on a non-linear FEM simulation pipeline that is being developed as part of a neurosurgery simulation project between Kitware Inc., Old Dominion University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dr. Stephen Aylward, Director of Medical Imaging at Kitware, chaired the vascular imaging session and participated in the annual “Dessert with Experts” event during which students shared ice cream with experts and discussed career paths and pitfalls. Additionally, Dr. Aylward was selected to be the assistant chair for the 2013 and 2014 SPIE MI: CAD conferences and the primary chair for the 2015 and 2016 SPIE MI: CAD conferences
Dr. Stephen Aylward was also a co-organizer of, and with Dr. Enquobahrie participated in, the SPIE MI: Live Demonstration Workshop. The workshop featured interactive demonstrations that were complementary to the oral and poster presentations of the meeting. Kitware showcased three of its new open-source applications: NIRVIEW, Visomics, and KiwiViewer
This free, open-source tissue segmentation tool allows FEM meshes to be developed from near-infrared tomography. This application was developed in collaboration between Kitware Inc. and the Optics in Medicine Laboratory at Dartmouth University. For more information, visit http://www.dartmouth.edu/~nir/nirfast/
This is a free, open-source, flexible, user-friendly visualization and analysis application for omics’ data; i.e genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics. It interfaces with existing web-based, biomedical databases, and it has demonstrated its utility on two applications: genetic predictors of preeclampsia and metabolomic correlates in cancer. Visomics development is supported by Kitware Inc., the Hamner Institute for Health Sciences, the University of Washington, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Visomics makes heavy use of VTK’s interface with the R statistical package. For more information, visit http://www.visomics.org/
KiwiViewer is a free, open-source visualization app for exploring scientific and medical datasets, that runs on Android or iOS mobile devices with multi-touch interaction. KiwiViewer supports a variety of file formats, including obj, stl, ply, and vtk. Datasets may be loaded into KiwiViewer from the SD card, email attachments, or DropBox, or downloaded from a URL. KiwiViewer is part of the open-source VES/Kiwi framework. Its development is supported by Kitware Inc., the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NA-MIC), and Willow Garage. For more information, visit http://www.kiwiviewer.org/.