Tomviz 0.9.3 Released

We are very pleased to announce the release of Tomviz 0.9.3 (article on with some background). This release features improved 3D rendering, with a number of updates to support modern operating systems. The use of full retinal resolution on macOS has been enabled for the first time in this release, and a number of warning messages issues on that operating system are now resolved. The pipeline has seen a number of improvements, and the Python operator interface has been improved to offer better feedback on what is happening.
Highlights of this release include:
- Support for different color palettes, and setting the default palette
- Support for loading a stack of TIFF images
- Ruler tool added to make measurements in 3D scene
- Improvements to Python operators including more feedback as they execute
- Improvements made to the reconstruction capabilities
- Pipeline state fully expressed, and execution of paused pipeline can be requested
- Python 3 now supported, but not used by default (or in the binaries)
- Support for retinal resolution enabled in macOS binaries
- Using Qt 5.8.0 with improved 3D rendering widget developed in VTK
- Switched to MSI installer on Windows – better integration with Windows
- Various improvements to the user interface, and bug fixes
The Tomviz project is developed as part of a collaboration between Kitware and Cornell University under DOE Office of Science contract DE-SC0011385. This is a community project, and we are very pleased to take input and contributions from all in the community.