Visualization Toolkit Selected for Google Summer of Code

The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) has been accepted for the 2011 Google Summer of Code, with Kitware acting as the mentoring organization. This program encourages student participation in open source communities through three-month paid development projects. Students interested in the program apply to work on a specific project and work with a mentor at the organization over the course of the summer. This global program gives students the opportunity to work on real-world software projects and provides mentoring organizations with potential new developers. Additionally, since all the development is all open source, the projects grow and code is contributed back to the community.
Of 417 applications this year, Google selected 175 open source projects for participation, 50 of which are new to the program. There is an accepted projects page with all available projects. Kitware has several project ideas for students to participate in for VTK, such as the development of new 2D charts, chemistry visualization, volume rendering in WebGL, AMR volume rendering and Apple iOS support for ParaViewWeb. If you are a student interested in applying, you should review the ideas page, register and prepare your proposal.