Kitware is a Leader in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Computer Vision.

Kitware is proud to be a Gold sponsor of WACV 2022. Visit our in-person exhibit to learn about our ongoing research and how we apply computer vision to solve challenging problems across the sea, air, space, and terrestrial domains. In addition, Kitware had two papers accepted and helped organize four workshops this year. Visit the Events Schedule for more information.

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Events Schedule

Co-organizer:  Anthony Hoogs, Ph.D.

This workshop will focus on human activity detection in multi-camera video streams. This ability is important to the computer vision community due to its wide range of applications, from public safety and security to traffic monitoring to eldercare/childcare, and more. There will be three invited keynote talks from experts in the field, in addition to three talks from the best performers on the ActEV Self-Reported Leaderboard (SRL) Challenge challenges. Visit the workshop page.

Co-organizer: Christopher Funk, Ph.D.

Computer vision algorithms are often developed inside a closed-world paradigm, for example, recognizing objects from a fixed set of categories. However, the “world” is open and constantly and dynamically changes. As a result, when the “world” changes, these computer vision algorithms are unable to detect the change and then continue to perform their tasks with incorrect and sometimes misleading predictions. In this workshop, we aim to facilitate research directions that aim to operate well in the open world while maintaining performance in the “closed” world. Many real-world applications considered at WACV must deal with changing worlds where a variety of novelty is introduced (e.g., new classes of objects). Visit the workshop page.

Presenter: Anthony Hoogs, Ph.D.

This workshop will cover topics related to the application of computer vision in real-world surveillance, the challenges associated with this surveillance, and mitigation strategy on topics such as object detection, scene understanding, and super-resolution. The workshop will also address legal and ethical issues of computer vision applications in these real-world scenarios, for example, detecting bias toward gender or race. Visit the workshop page.

Presenter: Scott McCloskey, Ph.D.

Computational imaging offers better image quality, more information (e.g. 3D or multiple views), and reductions in size, weight, or power consumption than traditional cameras. Though they are more commonly used in consumer applications, computational cameras can also be useful in industrial, scientific, and defense domains. This workshop will be comprised of researchers who will discuss these applications of computational imaging. Visit the workshop page.

Kitware's Computer Vision Focus Areas

Kitware’s Automated Image and Video Analysis Platforms

Interested in learning more? Let’s talk!

We are always looking for collaboration opportunities where we can apply our automated image and video analysis expertise. Let’s schedule a meeting to talk about your project and see if Kitware would be a good fit.