Wikipedia Coding Challenge

The Wikimedia Foundation is holding the October 2011 Coding Challenge.
Their goal is simple,
to find great coders who are also committed to the Wikimedia vision:
“A world in which every single human being
can freely share in the sum of all knowledge”
They have selected coding challenges that are
- Exciting
- Achievable
- Will be useful to Wikipedia users worldwide.
Grand prize winners for each challenge will receive an all-expenses
paid trip to a Wikimedia event of their choice in 2012.
Other winners will receive a certificate of coding excellence from
the Wikimedia Foundation (a great addition to anyone’s CV.)
Contest entries will be accepted until November 7, 2011, 23:59 UTC.
Code must be uploaded to Github, Gitorious, or MediaWiki and
Writing Open Source software
to be used by the Wikipedia
to share the sum of All Knowledge…
It doesn’t get any better than that 🙂
See the rules and the FAQ for details.
Select your challenge:
- Mobile Photo Upload
Upload photos from mobile phones - Wikipedia more Alive
Surface Change in real time - Wikipedia Slide Show
Showcase wikipedia beutiful multimedia
Not interested in taking one of the coding challenges, but still want to help?
- There are always annoying little bugs. Learn how to become a MediaWiki hacker and join an amazing community.
- Wikimedia have multiple engineering job openings right now.
In order to participate in the October 2011 Coding Challenge,
you are required to agree to the contest rules.