CDash v3.7.0 available

Highlight features in this release include: several new GraphQL fields to the API, a UI overhaul for the project sites page, improved browser caching and page load performance, performance improvements in the build removal process, and a refreshed maintenance page. This release also contains numerous bug fixes, performance improvements, dependency updates, and maintenance changes.
Starting with this release, we plan to release new minor versions of CDash on a monthly basis. We also plan to release new major versions of CDash on an annual basis. This more frequent release cadence makes individual updates less intimidating for users, with up-to-date dependencies and all of the latest bug fixes available in release versions of CDash shortly after being merged.
Kitware is considering dropping MySQL support in favor of PostgreSQL in CDash 4.0 to take advantage of PostgreSQL-specific features for better database performance. We would like to hear user feedback about this proposal in the related discussion.
For more information on the full contents of this release, see the release notes.