Tomviz 0.7.0 Released: Tomography for Materials Science

We are very pleased to announce the release of tomviz 0.7.0 (article on with some background). This release features a number of improvements, including:
- Tools for tomographic reconstruction
- Tilt series alignment tool: zoom to region for alignment
- Determine tilt axis tool
- Weighted back projection, direct Fourier, and algebraic reconstructions
- Background subtraction tool
- Default animation (just press the play button)
- Random particles sample Dataset
- Gaussian, Laplace and Sobel filters
- Autosaves
- ITK integration for advanced data processing

We hosted Robert Hovden and Yi Jiang at a small hackathon yesterday, and had a productive day testing features, squashing bugs, and mapping out priorities over the next few months. Featured Visualization shown above by Yi Jiang: nanoparticles and mesoscale materials are simulated using the tomviz "Random Particle" generator. Features within the structure span all length scales.
The tomviz project is developed as part of a collaboration between Kitware and Cornell University under DOE Office of Science contract DE-SC0011385. This is a community project, and we are very pleased to take input and contributions from all in the community.
Nice work Marcus
Do you think it would be useful to eventually integrate these tools with ImageJ? A couple of months ago the ImageJ team spent some time with Matt McCormick integrating SimpleITK with ImageJ2 It would be nice to have projects to drive this forward.
Hi Brian, Matt told me about this work (and I was very interested in what was happening there). I use Fiji, and would love to discuss opportunities to collaborate in this space. I am not sure what kind of integration you have in mind, maybe we should set up a call to discuss this in more detail?