The vtk.js web rendering platform now allows you to render augmented reality visualizations on head-mounted display devices (AR HMDs). Developers can use vtk.js to create custom applications that run directly on AR-capable headsets, including the Microsoft Hololens 2, Meta Quest 2, and the upcoming Apple Vision Pro, without being tethered to a computer.

Kitware note: This is a guest blog from Julien Tierny, from Sorbonne Université, Paris, France and Fabien Vivodtzev from CEA, France The Topology ToolKit (TTK)[1,2] is an open source library for Topological Data Analysis and Visualization. It provides a substantial collection of generic, efficient and robust implementations of key algorithms in topological data analysis. It […]

Introduction Advanced modeling and simulations play a crucial role in designing and optimizing the efficiency and safety of nuclear reactors and fuels in nuclear energy. MOOSE (Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment)(1) is a widely used software framework for performing physics simulations. MOOSE is developed and supported through the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program(2), […]

Exodus Viewer of Peacock

The third CMake 3.27 release candidate!

Introduction itk-wasm uses web-assembly to bring ITK’s high performance imaging algorithms to platforms such as the browser, Python, and Node.js through a single source package and uniform API. A sub-package of this library, itkwasm-dicom, was recently released which provides essential support for reading of medical data using the DICOM standard for storing images and other […]

The second CMake 3.27 release candidate!

Showcase LiDAR data being visualized in a web browser

In this blog, we will discuss Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs), but the same concepts apply to any pyramidal TIFFs. A Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) is a regular GeoTIFF file, aimed at being hosted on a HTTP file server, with an internal organization that enables more efficient workflows on the cloud. That description is from, […]

Graphic illustrating Pyramidal TIFF

The VTK file format is widely used to describe all types of scientific datasets. Many software applications include support to open .vtk files and variants such as .vtp, .vtu or .vth file extensions. In this blog post, we demonstrate the simplicity of converting any data format to the VTK format in order to visualize datasets […]

Introduction When it comes to rendering data, computer graphics libraries and high-level APIs have long been a moving target. Hardware advances and improvements to programming models have resulted in periodic changes to the way in which data is rendered. Graphics libraries such as PHIGS, Starbase, GL, Direct3D, OpenGL (various flavors and versions), and many others […]

Accelerate your medical image analysis/AI research by combining the visualization capabilities of ITKWidgets with the massive collection of clinical data available from the NCI's Imaging Data Commons (IDC) jupyter notebooks.

CMake 3.26.4 is available for download

In the first two blog posts addressing software sustainability, we introduced basic concepts and the software sustainability matrix [1], and then described the matrix in more detail including the sustainability scoring process [2]. In this post we review recent efforts to improve the sustainability of the Cleaver software system [3,4,5,6], a multimaterial tetrahedral meshing tool. […]

Showing off how Quanscient’s expertise in cloud computing and simulation algorithms and how Kitware technologies, namely VTK.js and ParaView - were crucial in the development of Quanscient.allsolve.

More than a year ago, we presented an example of integrating point cloud deep learning frameworks inside LidarView. Here is more information on that feature as well as the latest advancements, including a full new installation guide for anyone who wants to power AI within LidarView. In this article, we used an internal development version […]

HistomicsTK is a comprehensive enterprise solution designed to streamline the management, visualization, and analysis of digital pathology data. Leveraging the robust capabilities of a Python-based data science software stack, HistomicsTK is compatible with a vast array of whole-slide imaging formats, enabling users to generate and visualize millions of annotations with ease. Our team is dedicated […]

Microscoptic cells featuring color conversion from upper left to bottom right.

vtk.js has extended its WebXR integration to enable web pages to stream interactive, 3D holographic visualizations to Looking Glass Factory displays.