VTK.js v26 Release Notes

February 10, 2023

We are pleased to announce a new VTK.js release, v26! VTK.js provides interactive visualizations that run in your web browser for 2D, 3D, and higher-dimensional scientific data, including point clouds acquired as LiDAR data, surface models that represent molecular structures, and AR/VR environments that incorporate volume renderings of medical images.  It is freely available as […]


The second CMake 3.26 release candidate!

Kitware Europe will give 13 online training courses in March and April. Kitware’s professional training courses offer the best opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of our open-source products as part of a high quality, cross-platform software development process. Tailored to your expertise level and your needs, these courses allow both users and developers to […]

The first CMake 3.26 release candidate!

We are happy to announce the release of a new version of the ParaView kernel for Jupyter notebooks! This new version is intended to replace the previous integration presented in this blog). This version is now based on IPython so all the features that you are familiar with, such as the concept of “magic commands”, […]

In the first posts of this blog series we provided a high-level overview of trame: a Python- and web-based framework for visual analytics[1,2]. In this post we further illustrate some key concepts of trame through a real-world example. Due to the generosity of the DOE’s Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program, a complete […]

The Kitware Danesfield application provides an open source software solution designed to convert multi-view satellite imagery into 3D mesh models of buildings atop a separate terrain mesh. Recently we have extended Danesfield to operate on other sources of input such as point clouds from LIDAR or full motion video (FMV) generated by a drone. We […]

Authors: Matt McCormick, Mary Elise Dedicke, Alex Remedios Reproducibility in Computational Experiments Jupyter has emerged as a fundamental component in artificial intelligence (AI) solution development and scientific inquiry. Jupyter notebooks are prevelant in modern education, commercial applications, and academic research. The Insight Toolkit (ITK) is an open source, cross-platform toolkit for N-dimensional processing, segmentation, and […]

Jupyter notebook nbmake backtrace

We are exceedingly pleased to announce the Insight Toolkit (ITK) 5.3.0 is available for download! 🎉 🎅 🎁 ITK is an open-source, cross-platform toolkit for N-dimensional scientific image processing, segmentation, and registration in a spatially-oriented architecture. 🔦 Highlights ITK 5.3 is a feature release that ITK 5.3.0 highlights itk Python package support in 3D Slicer. Binary macOS, […]

Ape skull registration

Showing off boltzplatz’s expertise in numerical plasma dynamics and how trame – a web framework from Kitware – was crucial in the rapid development of boltzplatz’s web application. boltzplatz – numerical plasma dynamics GmbH boltzplatz is a Stuttgart-based company offering engineering and consulting services for high-tech companies focusing on vacuum- and plasma-based technologies. They develop […]

In-browser cinematic volume rendering capabilities are featured in VolView and are now also available in vtk.js.

ParaView Expression Manager

December 1, 2022

ParaView provides many different filters to process dataset attributes. Some treatments, such as isocontouring, stream tracing and histogram computing, effectively perform a predefined set of mathematical operations. The Calculator and Python Calculator tools enable one to customize the data processing through a user-defined single line expression. Up until now, writing this expression was a manual […]

CMake 3.25.1 is available for download

In this blog post, Kitware is pleased to introduce VESPA: VTK Enhanced with Surface Processing Algorithms. This project aims to bring state-of-the-art mesh processing from the CGAL library to VTK and ParaView through a transparent wrapping for the users. The CGAL (Computational Geometry Algorithms Library) C++ library offers various advanced geometry algorithms, such as mesh […]

Kitware is presenting three live training courses over the next few months. The courses will be taught virtually by the experts here at Kitware. We are excited to offer early bird discounts to those who register by the deadline (see below). Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to use our most popular open source […]

CMake and ParaView logos

Major changes made since ParaView 5.10.1 are listed in this document. The full list of issues addressed by this release is available here. New features Advanced multi-channel volume visualization ParaView’s user interface now allows you to define and edit 2-dimensional transfer functions for volume visualization of structured data. 2D transfer functions enable the color and […]

You’ve written a great MONAI PyTorch machine learning model that solves an important problem and you want to make it widely available.  How do you deploy it?  In this blog, we share our experience using the multiple options for deploying a MONAI PyTorch machine learning model in 3D Slicer and discuss strengths and weaknesses of […]

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